What to expect on your first visit
We believe the most important thing about worship isn't the style, it’s the object… followed by the posture of our hearts before God. So our worship is focused on Christ – who loved us, gave himself for us, and is making all things new. Our services are full of biblically saturated praise, confession, thanksgiving, and clear proclamations of the gospel.
Our preaching typically walks through books of the Bible, passage by passage. Check out our sermon podcast to listen to recent messages. Our music varies in style Sunday by Sunday and includes a mix of rich hymns and newer songs. You will see many different folks up front reading scripture, praying, and service-leading week by week.
Come as you are
We believe that people don’t need to change to come to God, rather we are changed as a result of coming to God. So we invite you to come as you are and we’ll draw near to God together, praying that He would be at work in all of our hearts.
Nursery is available for children 2 and under, children’s church for ages 3-8, and upper elementary class for ages 9-11 unless posted otherwise. Our goal is to come alongside parents in teaching their children about the God of the Bible and to be agents of His love for our little ones. Learn about our programming, check-in procedures, and safety policies here.
Questions? Contact the church office